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Help out the Polymer Clay community by listing your business, service, or professional artist website.
Polymer Resource Listings
We think that having a central source for all the resources essential to the polymer clay artist is one of the most important services we can provide. We are busy building these lists but would LOVE your help to ensure they are as complete and up to date as possible.
Click here for the linked, browse-able & downloadable list
This is a searchable, printable online PDF that can be saved to your computer using the PDF toolbar (move your cursor to the lower right of the screen to make the toolbar show up).
Supplies: Retail & wholesale shops; supplies for polymer clay, jewelry, sculpting, etc.
Community: Guilds, groups, forums ... anything focused on member involvement
Artists: Gallery level artists, teachers, innovators, and notable emerging artists
Information & Learning: Magazines, Blogs, Newsletters, Tutorial sources, Wikis, Book publishers, & Schools
Markets & Selling: Year-round sales avenues and services
Events: Craft shows, workshops, retreats, classes, and industry shows
If you have information about a guild, material resource, publication opportunity, contest, challenge, award, grant project, or organization that supports craft and independent artists, please let us know ... even if you think we might have it. We'd rather hear about it a hundred times than miss getting it on our list.
Free Content!
Click on the titles in bold for downloadable PDFs.
Basic Techniques and Card Thickness charts for pasta machine thickness settings.
These are from talks Sage Bray has given that we though you might find useful and informative:
Writing for Polymer and Craft publications: Writing Guidelines and Tips
Synergy 2013, Atlanta GA
Developing Your Artistic Voice
EuroSynergy 2014, Dolmen Hotel, Malta.
Creating a Sustainable Online Presence
EuroSynergy 2014, Dolmen Hotel, Malta. Click here for sources and tips on techniques, business, photography, and more.